Gerstner wave

Shader "Unlit/GerstnerWaveStandard"
        _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
        _BaseMap ("Example Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
        [HDR]_BaseColor ("Base Colour", Color) = (0, 0.66, 0.73, 1)
        _WaterFogColor ("Water Fog Colour", Color) = (0, 0.66, 0.73, 1)
        _FogDensity ("Fog Density", range(0, 1)) = 0.1
        _NormalMap ("Normal Map", 2D) = "white" { }
        _NormalScale ("Normal Scale", Range(0, 1)) = 0.1
        _Shininess ("High Light Roughness", Range(0, 0.1)) = 0.01
        _Skybox ("Skybox", Cube) = "white" { }
        _AirRefractiveIndex ("Air Refractive Index", Float) = 1.0
        _WaterRefractiveIndex ("Water Refractive Index", Float) = 1.333
        _FresnelPower ("Fresnel Power", Range(0.1, 50)) = 5
        _RefractionStrength ("Refraction Strength", Range(0, 1)) = 0.1
        _FrontSubsurfaceDistortion ("Front Subsurface Distortion", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
        _BackSubsurfaceDistortion ("Back Subsurface Distortion", Range(0, 1)) = 0.5
        _FrontSSSIntensity ("Front SSS Intensity", float) = 0.2
        _HeightCorrection ("SSS Height Correction", float) = 6
        _FoamIntensity ("Foam Intensity", float) = 0.5
        _FoamNoiseTex ("Foam Noise", 2D) = "white" { }
        _CausticIntensity ("Caustic Intensity", float) = 0.5
        _CausticTex ("Caustic Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
        _Caustics_Speed ("Caustics Speed,(x,y)&(z,w)", Vector) = (1, 1, -1, -1)
        _Speed ("Speed", float) = 0.2
        _Frequency ("Frequency", float) = 2
        _WaveA ("Wave A (dir, steepness, wavelength)", Vector) = (1, 0, 0.5, 10)
        _WaveB ("Wave B", Vector) = (0, 1, 0.25, 20)
        _WaveC ("Wave C", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _WaveD ("Wave D", Vector) = (0, 1, 0.25, 20)
        _WaveE ("Wave E", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _WaveF ("Wave F", Vector) = (0, 1, 0.25, 20)
        _WaveG ("Wave G", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _WaveH ("Wave H", Vector) = (0, 1, 0.25, 20)
        _WaveI ("Wave I", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _WaveJ ("Wave J", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _WaveK ("Wave K", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _WaveL ("Wave L", Vector) = (1, 1, 0.15, 10)
        _TessellationUniform ("Tessellation Uniform", Range(1, 64)) = 1
        _TessellationEdgeLength ("Tessellation Edge Length", Range(5, 100)) = 50

        Tags { "RenderType" = "Transparent"  "RenderQueue" = "Transparent" }
        ZWrite Off
        ZTest On
        #include "Lighting.cginc"
        #include "unityCg.cginc"
        float4 _BaseMap_ST, _FoamNoiseTex_ST, _CausticTex_ST;
        float4 _BaseColor, _WaterFogColor, _Caustics_Speed;
        float4 _NormalMap_ST;
        float4 _WaveA, _WaveB, _WaveC, _WaveD, _WaveE, _WaveF, _WaveG, _WaveH, _WaveI, _WaveJ, _WaveK, _WaveL;
        float _Speed, _Frequency, _NormalScale, _AirRefractiveIndex, _WaterRefractiveIndex, _FresnelPower;
        float _RefractionStrength, _FogDensity, _Shininess, _FrontSubsurfaceDistortion, _BackSubsurfaceDistortion;
        float _FrontSSSIntensity, _HeightCorrection, _FoamIntensity, _CausticIntensity;

            Name "Example"
            Tags { "LightMode" = "ForwardBase" }
            ZWrite off
            #pragma vertex vert
            #pragma fragment frag
            // make fog work
           // #pragma multi_compile_fog

            #include "UnityCG.cginc"
            #include "AutoLight.cginc"
            #include "Lighting.cginc"

            struct a2v
                float4 positionOS: POSITION;
                float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;
                float3 normal: NORMAL;
                float4 color: COLOR;

            struct v2f
                float4 positionCS: SV_POSITION;
                float2 uv: TEXCOORD0;
                float3 normalWS: TEXCOORD1;
                float3 positionWS: TEXCOORD2;
                float3 tangentWS: TEXCOORD3;
                float4 scrPos: TEXCOORD4;
                float heightOS: TEXCOORD5;
                float fogFactor: TEXCOORD6;
                float4 color: COLOR;

            samplerCUBE _Skybox;
            float4 _Skybox_ST;
            sampler2D _CameraOpaqueTexture;
            float4 _CameraOpaqueTexture_ST;
            sampler2D _FoamNoiseTex;
            float2 _FoamNoiseTex_ST;
            sampler2D _CausticTex;
            float4 _CausticTex_ST;
            float _Speed, _Frequency, _NormalScale, _AirRefractiveIndex, _WaterRefractiveIndex, _FresnelPower;
            float4 _WaveA, _WaveB, _WaveC, _WaveD, _WaveE, _WaveF, _WaveG, _WaveH, _WaveI, _WaveJ, _WaveK, _WaveL;
            float4 _NormalMap_ST;
            float _RefractionStrength, _FogDensity, _Shininess, _FrontSubsurfaceDistortion, _BackSubsurfaceDistortion;
            float4 _BaseColor, _WaterFogColor, _Caustics_Speed;
            float _shadowAttenuation;
            float _FrontSSSIntensity, _HeightCorrection, _FoamIntensity, _CausticIntensity;

            sampler2D _MainTex;
            float4 _MainTex_ST;
            sampler2D _NormalMap;

            float3 GerstnerWave(
                float4 wave, float3 p, inout float3 tangent, inout float3 binormal
                float steepness = wave.z;
                float wavelength = wave.w;
                float k = 2 * UNITY_PI / wavelength;
                float c = sqrt(9.8 / k);
                float2 d = normalize(wave.xy) * _Frequency;
                float f = k * (dot(d, p.xz) - c * _Time.y * _Speed);
                float a = steepness / k;
                tangent += float3(
                    - d.x * d.x * (steepness * sin(f)),
                    d.x * (steepness * cos(f)),
                    - d.x * d.y * (steepness * sin(f))
                binormal += float3(
                    - d.x * d.y * (steepness * sin(f)),
                    d.y * (steepness * cos(f)),
                    - d.y * d.y * (steepness * sin(f))
                return float3(
                    d.x * (a * cos(f)),
                    a * sin(f),
                    d.y * (a * cos(f))
            float CalculateFresnel(float3 viewDir, float3 normal)
                float R_0 = (_AirRefractiveIndex - _WaterRefractiveIndex) / (_AirRefractiveIndex + _WaterRefractiveIndex);
                R_0 *= R_0;
                return R_0 + (1.0 - R_0) * pow((1.0 - saturate(dot(viewDir, normal))), _FresnelPower);
            half3 Highlights(half3 positionWS, half roughness, half3 normalWS, half3 viewDirectionWS)
                //Light mainLight = GetMainLight();
                half roughness2 = roughness * roughness;
                half3 halfDir = normalize( + viewDirectionWS);
                half NoH = saturate(dot(normalize(normalWS), halfDir));
                half LoH = saturate(dot(, halfDir));
                // GGX Distribution multiplied by combined approximation of Visibility and Fresnel
                half d = NoH * NoH * (roughness2 - 1) + 1.0001;
                half LoH2 = LoH * LoH;
                half specularTerm = roughness2 / ((d * d) * max(0.1, LoH2) * (roughness + 0.5) * 4);
                specularTerm = min(specularTerm, 10);
                return specularTerm * _LightColor0.rgb * _shadowAttenuation;

            float GetOddNegativeScale()
                return unity_WorldTransformParams.w;

            float3x3 CreateTangentToWorld(float3 normal, float3 tangent, float flipSign)
            // For odd-negative scale transforms we need to flip the sign
            float sgn = flipSign * GetOddNegativeScale();
            float3 bitangent = cross(normal, tangent) * sgn;

            return float3x3(tangent, bitangent, normal);
            float3 TransformTangentToWorld(float3 dirTS, float3x3 tangentToWorld)
                // Note matrix is in row major convention with left multiplication as it is build on the fly
                return mul(dirTS, tangentToWorld);
            float3 GetCameraPositionWS()
                return _WorldSpaceCameraPos;

            sampler2D _CameraDepthTexture;
            sampler2D sampler_CameraDepthTexture;
            float SampleSceneDepth(float2 uv)
                return tex2D(_CameraDepthTexture, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(uv)).r;

            float SubsurfaceScattering(float3 viewDir, float3 lightDir, float3 normalDir,
            float frontSubsurfaceDistortion, float backSubsurfaceDistortion, float frontSSSIntensity, float thickness)
            float3 frontLitDir = normalDir * frontSubsurfaceDistortion - lightDir;
            float3 backLitDir = normalDir * backSubsurfaceDistortion + lightDir;
            float frontsss = saturate(dot(viewDir, -frontLitDir));
            float backsss = saturate(dot(viewDir, -backLitDir));
            float result = saturate(frontsss * frontSSSIntensity + backsss) * thickness;
            return result;
            struct Light
                half3   direction;
                half3   color;
                half    distanceAttenuation;
                half    shadowAttenuation;

            Light GetMainLight()
                Light light;
                light.direction =;
                // unity_LightData.z is 1 when not culled by the culling mask, otherwise 0.
                light.distanceAttenuation = unity_LightData.z;
            #if defined(LIGHTMAP_ON) || defined(_MIXED_LIGHTING_SUBTRACTIVE)
                // unity_ProbesOcclusion.x is the mixed light probe occlusion data
                light.distanceAttenuation *= unity_ProbesOcclusion.x;
                light.shadowAttenuation = 1.0;
                light.color = _MainLightColor.rgb;

                return light;

            v2f vert (a2v v)
                v2f o;
                float3 tangent = float3(1, 0, 0);
                float3 binormal = float3(0, 0, 1);
                float3 p = v.positionOS;

                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveA,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveB,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveC,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveD,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveE,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveF,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveG,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveH,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveI,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveJ,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveK,, tangent, binormal);
                p += GerstnerWave(_WaveL,, tangent, binormal);

                o.heightOS = p.y;
                float3 normal = normalize(cross(binormal, tangent));
                UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(v2f, o);
                o.positionCS = UnityObjectToClipPos(p);
                o.normalWS = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
                o.positionWS = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld,v.positionOS);
                o.scrPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.positionCS);
                o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
                return o;

            fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
                float3 normalWS = normalize(i.normalWS);
                float3x3 TtoW = CreateTangentToWorld(i.normalWS, i.tangentWS, 1);
                fixed4 normalTS = tex2D(_NormalMap,i.uv);
       = normalize(UnpackNormal(normalTS));
                normalWS = lerp(normalWS,normalize(TransformTangentToWorld(normalTS,TtoW)),_NormalScale);
                normalWS = normalize(normalWS);

                float3 viewDirectionWS = normalize(GetCameraPositionWS() -;
                float3 reflectDir = reflect(-viewDirectionWS, normalWS);
                float4 reflectCol = texCUBE(_Skybox,reflectDir);
                float2 scrPos = i.scrPos / i.scrPos.w;
                float depth = SampleSceneDepth(scrPos);
                depth = LinearEyeDepth(depth);
                float surfaceDepth = i.scrPos.w;
                float depthDiffer = depth - surfaceDepth;
                float2 uvOffset = normalWS.xz * _RefractionStrength * saturate(depthDiffer);
                float2 offsetPos = scrPos + uvOffset;
                float offsetPosDepth = SampleSceneDepth(offsetPos);
                offsetPosDepth = LinearEyeDepth(offsetPosDepth);
                offsetPos = scrPos + uvOffset * step(surfaceDepth, offsetPosDepth);
                float4 refractCol = tex2D(_CameraOpaqueTexture,offsetPos);
                float depthFactor = depth / surfaceDepth;
                float3 underPos = (i.positionWS - GetCameraPositionWS()) * depthFactor + GetCameraPositionWS();
                float2 causticSampler = (underPos.xy + underPos.xz + underPos.yz) / 100 * _CausticTex_ST.xy;
                float4 caustic1 = tex2D(_CausticTex, causticSampler + _Caustics_Speed.xy * _Time.y/30);
                float4 caustic2 = tex2D(_CausticTex, causticSampler + * _Time.y/30); 
                float4 caustic = min(caustic1, caustic2);
                float offsetDepthDiffer = surfaceDepth > offsetPosDepth ? depthDiffer: offsetPosDepth - surfaceDepth;
                float fogFactor = saturate(1 - exp(-offsetDepthDiffer * _FogDensity / 10)) * _shadowAttenuation;
                float4 waterCol = lerp(_WaterFogColor, _BaseColor, fogFactor);
                refractCol = lerp(waterCol, waterCol * refractCol, saturate(fogFactor));
                refractCol += caustic * pow((1 - saturate(fogFactor)), 10);

                float3 halfDir = normalize(viewDirectionWS + normalize(;
                float3 specular = Highlights(i.positionWS, _Shininess, normalWS, viewDirectionWS);
                specular *= _shadowAttenuation;

                float SSSValue = SubsurfaceScattering(viewDirectionWS,, normalWS, _FrontSubsurfaceDistortion,
                _BackSubsurfaceDistortion, _FrontSSSIntensity, saturate(i.heightOS - _HeightCorrection));
                SSSValue *= _shadowAttenuation;
                float fresnel = CalculateFresnel(viewDirectionWS, normalWS);
                float4 scatterCol = lerp(refractCol, reflectCol, saturate(fresnel));
                float3 shading = scatterCol.rgb + specular + SSSValue * _LightColor0.rgb;

                float foamOffset = tex2D(_FoamNoiseTex, i.uv * _FoamNoiseTex_ST.xy + _Time.y).x;
                shading = lerp(shading, float3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), pow(saturate(_FoamIntensity * foamOffset -depthDiffer) * 2, 3) * saturate(depthDiffer));
                //shading = MixFog(shading.rgb, i.fogFactor);
                // sample the texture
                fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
                // apply fog
                //UNITY_APPLY_FOG(i.fogCoord, col);
                return (shading.rgb,1);



波纹笔者现已知的方法有 凹凸纹理贴图、正弦波、FFT这三种,其中最为简单的是纹理贴图只要对其法线进行采样,然后制作UV动画,在制作UV动画的时候,有一个小trick,同一张Normal图可以采样两次,然后分别做主动与扰动。其次是正弦波,正弦波更多的是进行顶点动画,改变定点数据的值来得到,一般的伪代码为 WaveValue = Sin(_Time.y*_Speed+v.vertex.x*_Frequency)*_Amplitude.。期间可以叠加一些常见的sin波或者cos波来进行扰动,他的特点是平滑圆润,适合表达像池塘一样平静的水面。而正弦波的进化版则是Gerstner波,Gerstner波是将水平位置进行挤压,使得波峰变尖,波谷变宽,适合模拟海洋,该公式在《GPU Gems 1》出现过






3.基于轮廓边检测的轮廓线渲染,这个方法,我们只需要检查和这条边相邻的两个三角面片是否满足 (n0·v>0)≠(n1·v>0),n0与n1分别表示两个相邻三角面片的法向,v是从视角到该边上任意一个顶点的方向。这个条件主要是检车两个相邻的三角面片是否一个正面一个背面。我们可以在几何着色器中完成这个操作,缺点是实现复杂,而且会出现动画连贯性的问题,由于逐帧单独提取轮廓,所以在帧与帧之间会出现条约性。



WaterDepth=SceneDepth(Eye)-Screen Position

Water Color
Water Refraction
Combine_Color Output